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To assist officials of local governments & organizations who are in the process of considering or preparing a Voluntary Local Review (VLR), as well as United Nations staff and other experts who are assisting local governments & organizations in the preparation of a VLR, the United Nations system has created a suite of guidance documents and training materials designed to enhance the content and process of VLRs for supporting sustainable, green, and resilient recovery & transitions at the local level.
This is NOT a guidance portal for how to prepare a VLR. For such guidance, see the button to the right.
The implementing partners and authors of the Guidance Portal for Enhanced VLRs are the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), in cooperation with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE), and the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
The Enhanced VLR Guidance Portal provides information through six modules:
Each module includes a guidance note, an overview video and summary sheet, training slides, self-tests, and good practice examples.
This Portal is not a self-guided e-learning course. Rather, it is a website of information products where users can access any or all of the module content depending on their needs.
The Portal is multi-purpose. It is meant to inform individual users on how to enhance their VLR to better support green and resilient recovery & transitions. The Portal's information products are also meant to be adapted and used by local government officials or experts across the UN system and its partners to inform those persons at the local level who will be preparing a VLR. If you are among the latter, click here for the Facilitator Guide, to help you design and deliver an interactive workshop (in-person or virtual).
See below to access the modules.
Good luck enhancing your VLR to support green and resilient recovery & transitions at the local level!
As a follow-up mechanism for the 2030 Agenda and SDGs, Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) are presented annually by member states to the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. Local and regional governments are increasingly engaging in their own subnational reviews, called Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs), which have proven useful for cities and regions to foster SDG localization and demonstrate local governments’ capacity and commitments.
This first information module gives you a sense for how the Guidance Portal is organized and why it is important to enhance your VLR to support green, sustainable and resilient recovery and transitions at the local level.
This 4-page document gives you a quick introductory view of the Enhanced VLR Guidance Portal. (Beta version)
These Powepoint slides give you a more detailed overview of the Enhanced VLR Guidance Portal (Beta Version).
This short quiz helps you assess your understanding of this module's Guidance Note and Training Slides (results of quiz are for your information).
This document summarizes a few good practice examples of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs).
This module introduces you to the concept of climate neutrality and all the ways that a Voluntary Local Review (VLR) can help inform local government to help achieve greenhouse gas reductions across a community. Click below for the module's one-page summary sheet. (Beta version)
This summary document covers four key strategies for achieving climate neutrality at the local level: clean energy; sustainable transport and connectivity; green buildings; and sustainable government services. It also provides practical tips for how a VLR can not only inform local government, but also inform your country's National Voluntary Review at the same time.
These slides take a closer look under the hood. You will learn about local leverage points for realizing greenhouse gas reductions through clean energy, sustainable transport, green buildings, and sustainable government services. You will also find examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking progress in these areas as well as interesting case studies of communities reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And lastly, you will learn several key strategies for how to use a VLR to inform local government planning & policy, budgeting & finance, and reporting & assessment, as well as how to inform your country's Voluntary National Review (VNR) and thereby, enhance the ability of your VLR to have local impact.
This short quiz helps you assess your understanding of this module's Guidance Note and Training Slides (results of quiz are for your information).
This document summarizes a few good practice examples of communities reducing greenhouse gas emissions through clean energy, sustainable transport and connectivity, green buildings, and sustainable government services.
This module introduces you to the circular economy and all the ways that a Voluntary Local Review (VLR) can help inform local government to help achieve circularity at the local level. Click below for the module's one-page summary sheet. (Beta version)
This summary document covers three useful frameworks for understanding and achieving circularity at the local level, including: (i) the Circular Cities Action Framework; (ii) the 10Rs for circular production chains; and (iii) the United Nations 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns. It also provides practical tips for how a VLR can not only inform local government, but also inform your country's National Voluntary Review at the same time.
These slides take a deeper dive into the content summarized in the Guidance Note. You will learn more about the Circular Cities Action Framework, the 10Rs (yes 10, not three), and sustainable consumption and production at the local level.
You will also learn several key strategies for how to use a VLR to inform local government planning & policy, budgeting & finance, and reporting & assessment, as well as how to inform your country's Voluntary National Review (VNR) and thereby, enhance the ability of your VLR to have local impact.
This short quiz helps you assess your understanding of this module's Guidance Note and Training Slides (results of quiz are for your information).
This document summarizes a few good practice examples of how communities are participating in the circular economy.
This module introduces you to the local benefits of natural assets and nature-based solutions and all the ways that a Voluntary Local Review (VLR) can help inform local government to help manage these assets at the local level. Click below for the module's one-page summary sheet. (Beta version)
This summary document describes how local governments are using and managing natural assets and nature-based solutions to deliver important services to their communities, including storm water and wastewater management, provision and filtering of drinking water, providing recreational and mental health benefit, and enhancing resilience to climate change, among other services. This knowledge is the foundation for how to think about using a VLR to support natural assets at the local level.
These slides take a deeper dive into the content summarized in the Guidance Note. You will learn more about how local governments are taking inventory of their natural assets, including assessing their condition and risks, and managing their assets in a manner similar to how they manage their built and engineered assets for delivering services to residents, including developing an asset management policy and plan, valuing their benefits for financial analysis, and using performance measures to track progress.
You will also learn several key strategies for how to use a VLR to inform local government planning & policy, budgeting & finance, and reporting & assessment, as well as how to inform your country's Voluntary National Review (VNR) and thereby, enhance the ability of your VLR to have local impact.
This short quiz helps you assess your understanding of this module's Guidance Note and Training Slides (results of quiz are for your information).
This document summarizes a few good practice examples of how communities are managing natural assets and nature-based solutions to deliver critical services to their citizens.
This module introduces you to the essentials of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) and all the ways that a Voluntary Local Review (VLR) can help inform local government to help support DRR and CCA at the local level. Click below for the module's one-page summary sheet. (Beta version)
This summary document describes how local governments can support DRR and CCA in their communities, including understanding and assessing risks, strengthening governance for managing risks, enhancing efforts for preparedness, response and building back better, and using nature-based solutions to enhance resilience in a cost-effective and efficient manner. This knowledge is the foundation for how to think about using a VLR to support disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation at the local level.
These slides take a deeper dive into the content summarized in the Guidance Note. You will learn more about how local governments are assessing, managing, and monitoring multiple risks, including those exacerbated or caused by climate change. You will also learn how local governments are organizing their efforts for supporting DRR And CCA, including to prepare and respond to disasters and build back better after a disaster strikes. The training slides also expand on the content of Module 4 by elaborating how nature-based solutions can enhance resilience to climate change impacts and other hazards in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
You will also learn several key strategies for how to use a VLR to inform local government planning & policy, budgeting & finance, and reporting & assessment, as well as how to inform your country's Voluntary National Review (VNR) and thereby, enhance the ability of your VLR to have local impact.
This short quiz helps you assess your understanding of this module's Guidance Note and Training Slides (results of quiz are for your information).
This document summarizes a few good practice examples of how local governments are reducing risks to disasters and adapting to climate change at the local level.
While there are many benefits inherent in the content and process of a VLR, preparing one is a resource and time-intensive exercise for a local government and its stakeholders. Therefore, reflecting on how to improve on the content and process of a VLR is important to help ensure that the impact of a VLR is commensurate with the level of effort needed to prepare one. Such is the focus of this module. (Beta version)
This guidance document describes three key ways to strengthen a VLR to achieve greater impact, including: (i) strengthening linkages with your country's Voluntary National Review (VNR) and relevant Sub-national Review; (ii) strengthening linkages with local government planning, budgeting, and reporting processes; and (iii) supporting the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
These slides provide a different format for absorbing the content of the guidance note on strengthening VLRs to achieve greater impact. The slides can also be used and adapted by expert facilitators to train local governments and other experts to strengthen their VLRs for greater impact.
This short quiz helps you assess your understanding of this module's Guidance Note and Training Slides (results of quiz are for your information).
This document summarizes a few good practice examples of how local governments are strengthening their VLR by linking to the Voluntary National Review, providing relevant information for local government, and strengthening the means of implementation.